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Building the crossovers

Actualizado: 16 jul 2018


For obvious reasons, I'm not authorized to publish any photo describing the values of the different components that build the crossover. It belongs to Troels Gravesen and I deeply respect that, so I removed the values from the photos.

Building the crossovers was fun, but more work than expected. I got all the schematics in the package, but I found more practical to get the images from the webpage and double check with the scheme.

I presented all the elements in place and glued them, prior to soldering. 

These coils are really heavy, so I had to use something to stick them to the wood forever. I used a polyurethane glue used in construction. I know this glue well, is solid rock, everlasting and easy to apply. Just don't get it on your clothes. 

I used a silver solder with 4% silver bought from

Troels gives you three resistors for tweeter attenuation. He recommends middle so I followed advise. The wires to the drivers were all twisted to reduce interference.

I got the binding post cables ready too.

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